March 2008 message from Pastor Homan: The goal

Dear Members and Friends of Our Saviour's,

What is the most famous quote in the history of sports? These words by Vince Lombardi, former coach of the Green Bay Packers, "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing."

These words have been repeated at all levels of sports, even down to young children. But Vince Lombardi wanted to take back his words. Shortly before his death in 1970, Lombardi told columnist Jerry Izenberg, "I wish I'd never said that. I meant the effort. I meant having a goal. I sure didn't mean for people to crush human values and morality."

Asked how he would restate his words, he replied, "I would say, 'Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.'"

He knew what matters is the desire, not the conquest. Vince Lombardi understood the priority of pursuing victory in the right way with the right motives.

Lombardi understood as well that winning is the result of a process that begins at the most basic level. Holding up the familiar pigskin, he started each year's spring training with the words, "Men, this is a football." His purpose was to move from the simple to the complex, concentrating on the essential components which lead to success.

This is what we are to do as we walk the way of faith in Christ. In the church we also need to move from the simple to the complex. We do this when we keep these core elements that have lasting values:

  • Integrity: It was true when your mother first said it to you: "Honesty is the best policy." Even though this is not a Bible verse, it is a Biblical truth. As believers, we need to show integrity in word and deed.
  • Commitment: When meeting with couples preparing for marriage, I tell them that commitment is the most important quality they need for a lifetime together. This is true in our Christian faith. Just as Christ committed himself to us, so are we called upon to keep our lives committed to him.
  • Spiritual focus: During our season of Lent and the week of Holy Week, we are called upon by one God to renew our focus upon Him. We do this by regular worship of our Lord and by looking to God's Word. This will help us be focused upon God's calling to us.

May God lead us forward as we look to His high calling.

Pastor Brad Homan