May 2008 message from Pastor Homan: Be active in worship

Dear Members and Friends of Our Saviour's,

As I write this, I am getting ready for the questioning of six young people, our confirmands, who
will, by the time you receive this, have been confirmed into the Christian faith. I hope this is a
joyous time for these young people and their families. This time of joy can be followed by times of
struggle, making sure our sons and daughters continue with their promise made on Confirmation

When I think back on some of the times with these young people, I am reminded of the Ten
Commandments they have all learned. I wonder if in the future they will be reminded of the
commandments when tempted to act in ways not in keeping with what God desires of His people.

But let's not focus only on the younger members of our church community. Do we, from all
generations, keep God's commands, or is it easy for us to slip into patterns of sin when no one
might be looking? How about this? Maybe at this time of the year, we really need to remember the
Third Commandment. I think of Genesis 2:3,
"God blessed the seventh day and made it holy
because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done."
God put aside a special
day for us to celebrate. We are taught in the Third Commandment, "You shall keep the day of rest
holy." So what is the best way to keep God's day holy? By using Sunday morning as a day to sleep
in because it is the only day you can sleep in ... or to come together with other believers to worship
God in His awe and majesty?

For us, we not only have the opportunity to worship God every Sunday, but we can join with others
on Saturday evenings throughout the year, or Wednesday evenings during the summer months.
So, do not make the excuse that it is too hard to get to church on Sunday morning.

Fortunately, when we do falter and worship God as an afterthought, He does not hold that against
us. Just remember that God loves us and desires our worship and praise.

Have a blessed May.

Pastor Brad Homan