February 2009 message from Pastor Homan: Why we celebrate Lent

Dear Members and Friends of Our Saviour's,

Ash Wednesday comes near the end of this month (unlike last year when this day fell on February 6) and is a day when we seek to renew our allegiance to our Lord Jesus Christ.

This holy day marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Let's take a moment to remember why the church has felt this season to be important. This season is a time when we prepare our hearts, minds and souls for the special days of Christ's death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter. In Lent, we recognize we are simply dust and ashes without Christ, we confess our sins to God, and we follow Christ to the cross, where we are made whole again. In the early church, the six weeks of Lent were a time of training and instruction for converts to Christianity who were preparing to be baptized on Easter. The English word "Lent" is derived from the Germanic root for "long" because Lent occurs in spring, when the days lengthen.

Forty Days. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Sundays are excluded from the counting of the 40 days, because they remain "little Easters" even during this solemn season. The number 40 is significant because, at the start of his ministry, Jesus spent 40 days fasting, praying and resisting temptation, as we are called to do during Lent.

One Focus. Our focus during Lent is solely on the cross of Christ. For it was on the cross that the sinless Son of God suffered and died for us that we might be fully forgiven and live forever with Him in Heaven. Reading Scripture verses about the events leading up to Christ's crucifixion (see below) and putting a cross in a prominent place where it can be seen often keep our focus strong.

Pondering the Passion. The word "passion" in the context of Lent does not refer to intense romantic love, but to the sufferings of Christ from the night of the Last Supper to His death on Good Friday. Here are sections of the gospels to be read this season:

Matthew 26:14-27:66
Mark 14:1-48
Luke 22:14-23:56
John 18:1-19:42

Here are some of the hymns that are a special part of our worship. They help us to understand Christ's sacrifice for us. Sing or simply read the words of these Lenten hymns as part of your regular devotions.

"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" 425, 426
"O Sacred Head, Now Wounded" 449, 450
"Abide With Me" 878

Looking to the cross of Christ,

Pastor Brad Homan